Sunday, January 26, 2020

Why Is the Term “World Cinema” Problematic?

Why Is the Term â€Å"World Cinema† Problematic? Generally the term â€Å"World cinema† is used for films produced in different countries of world, especially non-English speaking countries, i.e. why some people tries to explain it as a foreign language cinema. But world cinema is a much broader concept which includes the commercial and the artistic films produced by the third world countries. Actually, it has many different meanings than foreign language cinema. World cinema refers to all filmmaking countries. There is a lot of misunderstandings and complications regarding this term. To have the proper understanding of world cinema first we should have to go through with the world cinema history. Cinema was started from the year 1880s by US, but the duration between the years 1880 and 1904 is actually known as the American silent era. In these early years of cinema there a lot of inventions and innovations took place. Filmmaking was the commercial medium in US. There the first camera was invented by Dickson in the year 1890 and then first film was made. With the time many new inventions were been made. Some small studios were also made where audience could watch the film for some money. At that time cinema was limited to US audience only. At the same time, France was also efforting for cinema. In France, the Lumiere brothers invented the combination of camera, and projector named Cinematograph. And they were the first person there who produced movies and projected it publically in Paris in the year 1895.They continued it with filming many more events in France and send them to London and New York. In the year 1896, the first exhibition of Cinematograph took place in Latin America and after that it travelled many cities of the world like Bombay, Shenghai, Dakar, Manilla, etc.There, some more production companies and distribution companies distributed many films to US which improvised the image of cinema in Europe and US. But at the time of first world war, most of the European film industries were affected badly and most of them got shut. Due to which French Cinema lost its market. After the end of World War, French companies again tried to stand their industry. French film industry linked to to some art movements like Impressionism, DADA, and surrealism. Impressionism began in 1860 in France, and many of impressionists believed that art should not be competed with realism and it should pick the artist`s impression to the external world. There should be impressionists films which should relate to the viewer`s heart and value. They should express emotional and mental states of film characters by manipulating the use of camera. According to them, there should be subjective camera work, use of optical devices and rhythmic reading. Before the First World War, German cinema was relatively insignificant industry. There was very little emphasis on film making until the govt. Recognised potential political value of cinema. Ultimately, due to the war the German cinema grew up. Where as, it declined in the rest part of Europe. The major cause of growth of German cinema was growth of isolationism. The German industrialists and politicians encouraged the German cinema a lot as they were politically influenced. Almost it became the legacy of German golden age. It gave a good impact on Hollywood by reinforcement of character and narrative visually conveyed. Before the revolution in 1917, Russian cinema was struggling to survive.There was a few number of films produced at that time but after the end of revolution, it passed through much more bad condition as there were conflicts between the red people and white people.That time the Russian cinema was almost finished due to the attacks by the foreign powers.there were some practice made by the government to save it.At that time Constructivism,the art movement, circus and montage were the influence there.According to these purpose of the art was to serve the society.Russian filmmakers changed there vision for film and approached films as scientists.Then popular art was taken as much effective that the traditional arts and there were visual effects been much emphasised than the story. British cinema was similar to the cinema of US with almost same technical, narrative and popularity.But with an increase in the number of sstudios in US it was down than Hollywood.British cinema was dominated by Hollywood because of the same language.In the year 1927 The British government passed Quota Act which was designed to limitise the import of Hollywood film in Britain and to stimulate the British films.But it was not running good in it early and mid cinematic history.But after the huge success of a British movie â€Å"The private life of Henry viirsquo in US, British cinema again started running well.Then in the year 1938 a new quota act was introduced and many British filmmakers came back on work with new style and The respect for realism, social issueslike domestic problems and Fascism in Europe. There was a significant contribution on doucumenatries afterwards.At the time of World War 11, a team of filmmakers working under government prepared for the war and began with th e production of propaganda films. After the war Italys most significant era of film making occurred in 1942-51 with a movement known as â€Å"Italian Neorealismrsquo. At this time the themes of the Italian films were focussed on the social and political issues and realism bordering on documentaries.Italian film industry was influenced by the other national cinemas like US, France and Great Britain.But before the Neorealism Italian films were made with high production values and special effects.These films were used to be imported by US.And it was popular in all over the Europe.But in 1920 the Fascist government came in rule and made the propaganda films and required theatre to show them. The government tried to control the film industry by it own but was unable to control effectively. The Fascist government provided two institutions named â€Å"Cinecitta and â€Å"Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. Cincitta was a huge production center with 12 sound stages which got some damaged at the time of the war.And the second one was a state-sponsored filmmaking school.In the era of Neorealism 1st real Neorealist film was made named â€Å"open city in the year 1945. Italian cinema was not popular even in Italy and US audience never accepted it.US took its advantage by making co-productions in Italy.French Poetic Realism affected the Neorealism and Hollywood was enjoying the advantages of Neorealism. After the war Europe became the true competitive of Hollywood for which the two world wars became the reasons.After world war ll Western Europe promoted the â€Å"auteurism means meant to be the personal expressions of individual artists. In the late 1940 and 50s a new term came in existence Tradition of Quality.There were studio systems. theatrical and literary and high production values.One more theory was there the â€Å"AUTEUR THEORY.According to this theoryfilms should be a medium of self expression.The Auteur critics rejected the the French tradition of Quality by saying that French cinema is much literary than cinematic.These critics preferred directors of French Poetic Realism and Italian Neorealism.Then the French New Wave took place there from year 1959-68. The directors of the new waves were critics first who were not influenced by the stage and literature but by the films and borrowed money for the low-budget films.The films produced in this period were not narratively influenced, their cinematic style and editing styles were not good.but when the French new Wave declined in the year 1968, many directors were absorbed into the French studio system and made the popular films which were low-budget popular and praised internationally.It was a major step in the European art cinema.These influenced the other movments and national cinemas like US,British,etc.The Auteur Theory became universal world wide directors approached this theory.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Nineteen Eighty Four Essay

Nineteen Eighty Four is George Orwell’s nightmare vision of the future. Written in 1948, at the end of World War II, Orwell simply switched numbers for his future view. The opening chapter is very effective in the way that it straight away lets the reader know the style of the novel. The opening is a description of post-war London, and the introduction of the main character. Orwell saw the evil in the war just passed, and wrote about it. The imagery used can all be linked to the war or London. The novel is not personal, with more reference to the party and regimes, Orwell was a political writer, an extreme socialist. He is criticizing any political regime, socialist or fascist. Right from the outset the author intends to draw attention to the setting. The chapter is typical of the book as a whole; describing Orwell’s dystopia. The main character we are first introduced to is Winston Smith. This is a common, English name, showing that Winston is in no way separate from the majority. The name â€Å"Winston† can be linked to Winston Churchill, who had just lead England through the war. Along with the name, Winston is not presented as a hero, as one would expect of a main character. Winston is â€Å"thirty nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle† and is incredibly unfit, â€Å"resting several times† on his way up the stairs. We are not, however, given a personality for our hero; we have to wait until part II of the novel to get personal detail. The opening passage introduces us to life for Winston. The settings described are not pleasant. Outside, there is a â€Å"vile wind† and â€Å"a swirl if gritty dust. † Inside Victory Mansions, where Winston resides, for it cannot be said that he â€Å"lives†, it is not much better. â€Å"The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. † This gives the impression of rotting and deterioration. Everything is rationed; this is a reference to the war. â€Å"The present electric current was cut off during daylight hours. † Winston uses â€Å"blunt razor blades† and â€Å"coarse soap. † There is no colour described in the opening, the picture of the settings in the reader’s mind are black and white, therefore giving a sense of a grey, unhappy world. The people of London are not free. There is an imposing poster everywhere one turned, bearing the caption, â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. † The man in the poster, â€Å"the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features† could very well be Hitler or Stalin, another reference to the war. There is a sense of being watched, â€Å"the enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. † The notion of Big Brother is introduced to us in the first ten lines of the novel, this clearly shows us where Orwell’s intentions lie. We are introduced to the concept of â€Å"Hate Week,† although no further detail is given. Orwell writes of it as though it is an every day event and nothing obscure should be thought of it. Big Brother is the antithesis of Winston, strong and powerful vs. frail and weak. The reader gets the impression Winston could never overthrow the party, although we are not yet introduced to his rebellious side as he does not yet have a character. We are introduced to the party slogans. The set out of them is a triangle, representing hierarchy, authority. The words are oxymorons, War and Peace, Freedom and Slavery, Ignorance and Strength. The words are ironic when used next to each other. They are each the antithesis of the other. If you take away people’s knowledge, you can tamper with their minds, as shown in the last slogan. Once inside Winston’s flat, we are introduced to the telescreens, furthering the notion that no one is free. There are helicopters that look into the houses and the telescreens that watch you. There is a description of a â€Å"dulled mirror† but mirrors cannot be dull, or the view would be distorted, this is another message from Orwell showing us nothing was clear. We get more description of Winston, still nothing personal, and still anti-heroic, â€Å"a smallish, frail figure, the meagerness of his body merely emphasized by the blue overalls which were the uniform of the party. † We get the impression he is not well. Everything he can see from his window is unpleasant, â€Å"the world looked cold,† it was â€Å"torn† and â€Å"harsh. † References to the war are frequent. The â€Å"Ninth Three-Year Plan† is ironic, because it would not be possible, and the Three-Year Plan relates to the plan Germany had after the war. The houses are describes as â€Å"rotting,† and â€Å"their sides shored up with baulks of timber, their windows patched with cardboard and their roofs with corrugated iron. † This is war-torn London. The place Winston lives, Oceania is at war. Orwell suggests the war is just a tool used by the party to keep the people oppressed. We are introduced to the Ministries. Their descriptions are the antithesis of the houses described. They are described as â€Å"startlingly different† and they are a wonder to look at. The Ministries are of Truth, Love, Peace and Plenty. The irony lies in the fact that the Ministry of love was the frightening one. Things were done with military precision, even the time is in twenty-four hour clock. The Ministries were guarded by uniformed, armed guards, â€Å"gorilla-faced guards. † Orwell uses alliteration to emphasize how imposing and horrible they looked. Another war image. The opening chapter is very effective in making the reader wan to read on, as it makes you feel you are reading history. This is because we are reading with hindsight. The reader feels they want to get to know Winston better because of what they have so far read. Orwell is effective is his opening because the settings are so well described that you instantly get a mental picture and are intrigued by the contrast between the war-torn London so well known and the surreal idea of helicopters looking in windows. It makes the reader wonder what might have happened had the war turned out differently, and Orwell’s Big Brother, Hitler or Stalin, had been successful.

Friday, January 10, 2020

What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to Informative Essay Samples Elementary and What You Should Be Doing Different

What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to Informative Essay Samples Elementary and What You Should Be Doing Different Informative Essay Samples Elementary Can Be Fun for Everyone Your essay might incorporate the factors for teen pregnancy and talk about the recent rates of teen pregnancy and potential solutions. Along with the 3 methods, there are lots of means by which you can organize an informative essay that delivers a definition. An informative essay may be used for lots of purposes because there are a great deal of things which are happening in our day-to-day lives. It is probably the toughest sort of assignment that needs to be done with absolute care and concern. The One Thing to Do for Informative Essay Samples Elementary Writing help is offered by expert writers who know how to compose a very good informative essay. You've got to compose an informative essay. Composing essays would most likely be the very last thing on your mind. The One Thing to Do for Informative Essay Samples Elementary Daily thousands of students utilize essay examples on a particular topic to acquire a general idea about what to write about and there isn't anything wrong with it! So it is suggested to find the assistance of others. Get the assistance of qualified essay writing service to find informational essay Many students wish to represent the very best essay in school, higher school and college to truly feel proud facing classmates, teachers, and parents. Do not be concerned, EssayPro is here in order to teach our students everything they will need to learn about crafting an informative essay! Here's What I Know About Informative Essay Samples Elementary Even in the event you use downloaded samples, you must deliver original text. Be factual regarding the content you present. Opt for the topic for which you might gather reliable data. The data included in the essay has to be strong and ought to comprise facts and figures so as to have a great influence on t he reader. Actually, the entire essay can be a weaving of the ideas of different writers, but you ought to be somewhat creative in the manner in which you write. You should have noticed that each and every topic is significantly related to the some type of mystery since if you won't create suspense and unveil the unknown then you won't have the ability to entice the reader's attention at any instance. Your introduction ought to be catchy enough to grab the interest of your readers. The debut of a cause and effect essay is dependent on the writer completely because it ought to be based on factual stories gathered with the assistance of authentic sources. Informative Essay Samples Elementary Can Be Fun for Everyone A customized cause and effect essay is tricky to write, but using a tiny essay writing help an individual can accomplish a prosperous cause and effect essay. For instance, if you're writing about the consequences of smoking, every point you explain ought to be concl usive. As soon as you decided on this issue, now is the time to sit down and spend a few hours or more based on the assignment's volume on the informative essay outline. Writing classification article subjects stands out as the starting point of any document creating as a result of simple fact the subject can learn what the paper will most likely be concerning, what are the principal problems are, etc. You might take a look at our Essay Outline Template to observe the structures you will use in writing informative essays and other sorts of pieces. To begin with, you should comprehend what distinguishes informative essays from some other kinds of academic papers. You'll also learn from them. Furthermore, to learn to compose an informative essays you should know its structure. Though a great essay may not be written without a plan, the outline shouldn't be too large. If you would like to learn to compose an informative essay, it is necessary to talk about the entire process st ep-by-step to help it become clear. Even if it's a plain informative essay, it's still true that you have to inject a little inspiration into it. `Informative essays are available in many forms,' she explained. Your sources ought to be credible and authoritative. Do thorough research on your subject so you can write about doing it. Take be aware that every 2 researchers aren't the exact same and no 2 essays will ever be the exact same. All informative essays ought to be nonfiction and have to be based with facts and current realities. 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If you're writing lengthy informative papers, you could also wish to supply a kind of conclusion for every single section. Informative Essay Samples Elementary Ideas The essay writing service supplies you with an expert writer, which will offer your essay as you require at a manageable price. Adding supporting details to each and every paragraph is critical to be able to create a very good informative essay. The most essential part of any informative essay format is its entire body. Luckily, it is possible to always download an informative exam ple and get acquainted with its structure and key capabilities. Whispered Informative Essay Samples Elementary Secrets Though there are systematic ways on composing your very own informative essay, it can be difficult to do. It's inherent for each student to possess the skills required to compose an exceptional informative essay. It is extremely easy to learn the practice of writing a college essay. Last, the aforementioned examples end up being a very helpful guideline for writing expository essay. Also, be certain you have a look at good examples of informative essays before you start writing yours. After all the essential considerations, you might get started writing your essay now.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Campus Wellness Availability Of Mental Health Resources...

Campus Wellness: Availability of Mental Health Resources Executive summary Mental health issues are ever rising in college campuses nationwide. South Carolina has scored poorly with regards to mental health issues. The resources available are scarce and require continued funding to maintain sustainability and provide ongoing support to students and help the community as a whole. Statement of issue Mental health issues are arising in college campuses and affect the students as a result of being faced with various challenges. For some students, these challenges may arise from simply struggling with academic performance and due to new responsibilities while transitioning into adulthood. For others, it may due to coping and juggling their various roles at academia, family and workplace (as in the case of many non-traditional students). A study has shown that 75% of lifetime cases of developing a mental illness are affected by the age 25 years. Among college students, 11.9% have anxiety disorders; 7-9% have depression; 8.8% have reported suicide ideation (6.7%), plan (1.6%) or attempt (0.5%); 9.5% with eating disorders; 2-8% have ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder); 0.7-1.9% may show high-functioning ASD (Autism spectrum disorders); and insignificant prevalence for schizophrenia. [1] Data collected from 139 campus counselling centers between 2009 and 2015 have shown â⠂¬Å"slow, consistent† increase in the prevalence of mental illness on campus where 50% of overallShow MoreRelatedImproving The Nation s Health2665 Words   |  11 PagesIntroduction: Improving the nation’s health is a vital task in today s society. Health is â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being† (The World Health Organization, 1946). Achieving wellness is one of the most popular goals in the twenty-first century. But first, we all need to realize clearly, what wellness is and why it matters. 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